Hua Nian Art Studio










student gallery








Art Lessons for Children


Online Art Lesson Policies


• On Zoom, please use the student’s real name as their screen name so I can address them correctly; attendance will be taken at the beginning of each lesson.

• Please turn video on, for better communication. I depend heavily on students' timely response to adjust the pace of lesson. If for some reason a student prefers "video off", parents should request it for them.  

• It is possible to switch classes to better fit your child’s level and interests.

• All lessons are live online, no recordings available. If a student has to miss a lesson, they can make it up by joining another Zoom lesson before the session ends. It is the parents’ responsibility to arrange make-up lessons.

• The best way to communicate with me is via email; I usually reply in the same day. Please feel free to call me at 217-377-7477 if there is a problem to sign in after class starts. Please don't send texts, since I might not be able to pay attention while engaging in the class.

• Please feel free to share the online lesson information to those who are interested, both in town and out of state.

• Announcements for future sessions will be available to those who are on my current mailing list. Please ask to be added to the mailing list anytime if you are new to the studio.

Thanks for your understanding!



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